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Supply of SIP Panels and Accessories

We offer a comprehensive supply of pre-cut SIP panels, insulated splines, SIPs screws, and timber components.

  • Warranty: Each purchase includes the SIP manufacturer’s standard warranty documentation, providing peace of mind for your investment.
  • Source Limitations: To ensure quality and compatibility, we source all SIPs and accessories from a single manufacturer recommended by the SIP manufacturer.
  • Pre-Installation Meeting: We conduct a pre-installation meeting to verify project requirements, site conditions, and to review the manufacturer’s installation instructions and warranty requirements.

Delivery, Storage & Handling

Ordering: Follow our detailed ordering instructions and lead time requirements to prevent construction delays.

Off-Loading and Handling:

  • SIPs are off-loaded using forklifts or similar equipment to avoid damage.
  • SIPs are fully supported during storage, kept off the ground using pallets or supports spaced a maximum of 2 metres apart.
  • SIPs are protected from the weather with breathable wraps and stored in a secure, covered area.

Warranty Information

Any questions? Contact Us

Manufacturer’s Warranty: The SIP manufacturer’s warranty complements other rights the owner has under the contract or statute.

Warranty Period: 10 years from the date the warranty is issued.

Products & Materials

SIPs Construction

  • Core: Fire retardant EPS.
  • Facings: JNL Triboard / OSB / MgO.
  • Laminating Adhesive: Specified by the manufacturer.


  • Sizes: SIPs are fabricated according to approved shop drawings.


  • Splines: Insulated, timber, or I-beam splines for SIP joints.
  • SIPs Screws: Corrosion-resistant, compatible with timber and steel.
  • Nails:
    • 50×2.8 galvanised flat-head for OSB to timber.
    • 30×2.8 galvanised flat-head for skin-to-skin connections.
  • Expanding Foam: One-part polyurethane expanding foam.
  • Panel Sealant/Adhesive: Nailbond or similar.
  • Dimensional Lumber: SG8 H1.2 or better, or engineered equivalent.

Manufacturer's Instructions

We adhere strictly to the manufacturer’s load design charts, detail book, shop drawings, and product data, including technical bulletins, for installation.

Site Verification:

  • We verify that substrate conditions are suitable for installation as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Any adverse conditions are reported in writing, and installation only proceeds once these are rectified.


SIP Supports:

  • We ensure a level and square foundation/structural system/substrate to support wall and/or roof SIPs.
  • For wall SIPs, the sill plate is held back 12 mm from the edge to allow full bearing of OSB skins.
  • Access holes are provided in plating to align with electrical wire chases in SIPs.


  • We inspect and record any panel damage before lifting from the truck and obtain approval before using any damaged panels.
  • The plate area is cleared of debris before SIP placement.


  • SIP panels are positioned to align and level within ± 3 mm or as required by the manufacturer.
  • Panels are installed as per drawings and design parameters, coordinating with other contractors for adjoining work.

SIP Fastening:

  • SIPs are connected using specified fixings and sealant, ensuring a minimum of 25 mm thread penetration into the support.
  • Plates and splines are used for joining SIPs, secured with nails, staples, or screws, and nailbond per manufacturer recommendations.
  • Temporary props or braces are used to secure panels against wind loads until final support is provided.
  • Panels are temporarily waterproofed during installation to protect from weather.


  • SIPs are not installed directly on concrete, and plumbing within SIPs is done only after consulting the manufacturer.
  • Skins are not over-cut for field openings, and electrical chases are not cut into the skins.
  • SIPs exposed to solvents and vapours that can damage the EPS core are avoided.
  • Wet or damaged SIPs are replaced before proceeding with additional installations.


SIPs are protected from weather by installing wraps immediately, providing temporary protection until further construction covers the panels.


We provide documentation to the manufacturer confirming that the installation complies with the design and documentation requirements.

Step 1: Initial Application Criteria Checklist

* You must be a NZ Citizen / Permanent Resident and currently living in New Zealand
* You must be older than 18 years of age
* Proof of identity by means of a NZ drivers licence, passport or firearms licence
Things you should know:
Finance Now's normal lending criteria and loan terms apply. Repayments shown are indicative only and include a Establishment Fee and a Monthly Service Fee. Full disclosure of all of the terms of your loan (including the Total Amount Payable over the term of the loan) will be provided to you prior to finalisation of your loan. Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) is optional and has not been included in the payment amounts above.

Want to know how we assess applications? Read more here.

Call us 0800 782 631

Pickup is available from Cambridge or we can assist with arranging delivery New Zealand wide. Learn more.